Case Study with Datatek

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Exclusive Case Study

VAR’s POS Upgrade Leads To 30% Increase In Throughput For Grocery Chain

Super Value Foods is a 14-store chain of grocery stores located in Nassau, Bahamas. The stores average be­tween 12 and 16 lanes in each store with a high volume of transactions. Three years ago, the chain embarked on a plan to upgrade the POS registers in all of the stores. Their high volume was creating issues with through­put due to using old POS technology and network infrastructure. Indeed, the registers would lock up during high volume periods, or not print receipts for customers because of timing issues. POS VAR Datatek has been working with the chain in various capacities over the last 12 years and got the call to implement a new system.

To solve the customer’s business problems, Datatek installed Fujitsu registers to replace the old registers and in­stalled CognitiveTPG A799 receipt printers. The first install was a 14 lane store. According to Jim Brown, found­er of Datatek, the VAR installed an upgraded Windows version of the older DOS-based software that the cus­tomer was using. This made the transition simple and the amount of training needed was minimal. “We replaced the keyboards with touch screens,” he says. ”We selected the CognitiveTPG printers because they ran about 40% faster than the printers that were in place. In fact, it was fast enough for the customer to literally say ‘wow’.” Apart from speed increases, Datatek incorporated the cus­tomer’s store logo, address, and phone number on printed receipts.

Brown goes on to explain that the big­gest obstacle was convincing the customer that Datatek had the right solu­tion for their needs, and that the VAR’s involvement doesn’t end when the sale is done. “They had some bad experiences in the past with other vendors and were justifiably anxious when it came to this investment in both equip­ment and support,” he says. “Once we finished the first store and they were able to evaluate both the speed and ease of use of the equipment and software, and our level of support during and after the sale, they were quite satisfied.”

Datatek installed the first store just before the Christmas holiday. The volume was very high and the customer had no issues keeping up with the transactions. In fact, their throughput increased by 30% over their older equipment. Since that first install, Datatek updated nine additional stores and is currently working on the elev­enth store. In addition, the customer just acquired three additional stores that Datatek will be updating over the next few months.

As far as the CognitiveTPG A799 receipt printers are concerned, Brown says that there have been no failures from the total of 160 printers installed for the customer since 2010.


Provider Overview
Company Name: Datatek
Employees: 5
Year Founded: 1994

Project Highlights
• 14-store grocery chain
• 30% efficiency gain using new POS technology
• 160 CognitiveTPG A799 receipt printers installed

Technology Overview
Products IncludedIn This Project:
 - Fujitsu TeamPOS 3000 Terminal
 - CognitiveTPG A799 POS Printer


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